Whittier Covered Bridge back over Bearcamp | Local News | conwaydailysun.com

2022-09-17 00:01:23 By : Mr. Steven Han

The Whittier Covered Bridge in Ossipee was moved back over the Bearcamp River Thursday. It had been sitting on land off of Nudd Road since 2007. (PHOTO COURTESY MATT SAWYER)

The Whittier Covered Bridge in Ossipee was moved back over the Bearcamp River Thursday. It had been sitting on land off of Nudd Road since 2007. (PHOTO COURTESY MATT SAWYER)

OSSIPEE — The Whittier Covered Bridge is once again spanning the Bearcamp River after being moved in place Thursday, but the Ossipee town administrator says it won't be open to the public for a few more weeks. 

The town-owned bridge had been sitting on dry land off of Nudd Road, which is off Route 25, for years after being closed in 2006.

When it was in service, it connected Nudd with Covered Bridge Road, off Route 16.

In addition to providing a short cut, the bridge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

It was built in the 1870s but there had been a bridge at that location since 1791. The bridge was taken out of service because it was in disrepair, selectmen said.

The bridge is being put in place with a combination of federal, state and local money. 

"It will be done today as far as moving it across the span of the river, but there is another month or two of work," Ossipee Town Administrator Matt Sawyer said Thursday.

"They will have a process of removing the metal supports, etc., and continue to level it and shore it up. Also, installing guardrails and improving the approach," Sawyer said.

Signed into law by President Joe Biden in March 2021, the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act is meant to help communities and businesses get past the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout. Ossipee was awarded $460,000 in federal funds, some it from the Rescue Plan.

The bridge project cost about $1.9 million, with $785,000 coming from the federal government, about $900,000 from the state and $230,000 from the town, which includes $130,000 from the Rescue Plan.

Last year, CPM Constructors of Freeport, Maine, was awarded the job.

"We will have a ribbon cutting/grand opening in the late fall, most likely," said Sawyer.

"We are extremely happy with CPM Constructors and Hoyle and Tanner Engineers, as they have worked with  (Public Works Director TJ Eldridge) and I as a team to keep things right on schedule," he said.

"As you know, this bridge has been removed since 2007 and TJ and I made it a top priority since starting in our roles. Feels good to get to this point," Sawyer said.

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